First release of SMD2000 “Bushfire”

SMD 2000 initial release

I’m very excited to announce the first release of the SMD 2000 “Bushfire” on Github!

If you wish to build an SMD2000 you will need to build a motherboard, a CPU card, and one of the Agnus cards.


Basic CPU card:

2 MB Agnus card:

1 MB TTH Agnus card:

A few minor changes have been added since the initial announcement, the main one being that the ROM has been set up to allow for switching up to four images in a 27C160.  Everything should be well documented in the github repositories.

Still to come – the SMD Agnus cards are too tall to fit under the CD Rom in the ML09 case (whoopsie) so they’re both going to be redesigned to be even slimmer than they already are.  There will be an update to the 2 mb card, and a 1 MB card using SMD ram will be released.

The official forum for the project can be found at the following link.  If you ask anywhere else it may get missed!,437.0.html

