Amiga Retro Brisbane
Amiga & Retro Group Forums => Perth Amiga User Group (PAUG) => Topic started by: matt020 on May 14, 2020, 08:39:48 pm
Hi all,
With restrictions lifted, and the potential for more restrictions to be lifted later in June, we are now planning the 3rd meet for the Perth Amiga User Group.
We have a date set for early July 2020, I will make this date known once I book it all in with the Community Centre that will host our event.
Same as last time, all Commodore stuff is welcome!
I'll post more details in the next fortnight.
Meet #3 - get excited! The room is booked at the Loftus Community Centre (99 Loftus St, Leederville) for Saturday 11th July 2020, from 5pm to 9pm.
An entry donation will be asked, and $10 gets you entry, softdrink and pizza (as much as you want until we run out).
Bring your hardware, working or non-working, we may even be able to get it working again. If you are bringing hardware, could you please bring a table, we are limited this time.
There will be a buy and sell table so bring anything you want to offload. Can be anything from non-working joysticks, to optical drives, to motherboards, to complete systems if you wish!
We'll run another quiz late into the evening, with some much improved prizes up for grabs.
For this meet, we have a projector with a CD32 for some 2 player gaming on the big screen. This should be tops!
Last time we were spoilt by RetroKit Australia and Al Smith who put on pizza and drinks... if you would like to sponsor the event and help with the pizza and drinks, please get in touch.
Saturday 11th July, Loftus Community Centre!
nice one guys! We need to get another Brisbane one organised soon I think :)
Yes.. Great news all around! Very pleased the Brisbane Meet will be happening too!