Full details will follow, including an article on our "project: page.
But the last update in the story is (Taken from the development chat group)...
Hello again everyone! I have the AmiExpress BBS running pretty well now on the V4SA now. The later "core" did help greatly but sadly "RoadShow" (1.13 & 1.15 tested) as "Fantastic" as it is for "most" internet application is just not the go for an AmiExpress BBS on the V4SA. Getting the balance between compatibly, stability and function has taken a bit of time.
Very pleased with the results now. Time at last to "flesh" the BBS out now that its stable! So we are now up and online! and..
I think will be the first "fulltime" Amiga BBS running on a Vampire 4SA?
Thanks' again and looking forward to your visit!
Intangybles & Vampire - Sysops Amiga Retro BBSes