« on: December 01, 2024, 08:52:29 pm »
Game of the Month for December 2024: Future TankPicked from a random selection from the fantastic Amiga Game Selector!
Your planet MIRAR has been occupied by an invasion of intelligent alien beings. They surprised the defense system and gained control over the military power. They attack the civilian population with the internal weapon systems of your planet and with air raids from their own ships. Only the research center in the jungle ARATAN escaped their occupation. In this base, scientists developed two prototypes of new defense tanks. Use them to save your planet—it is the last chance for the population.
Information:- Amiga Hardware: OCS
- Relase Year: 1988
- Disks: 1
- WHDLoad: Yes
- Players: 1 or 2
- Publisher: Rainbow Arts
- Developer: Time Warp Productions
Links to game information:Please refer to the 'Game of the Month Rules and Participation' post for information on how to participate! Good Luck!*
To qualify: play single player on any real Amiga or equivalent emulator. As per the GOTHEM rules, please confirm the machine/emulator you used, your score, screenshot/photo with score shown, and confirm you have not used cheats or passwords. If the game does not keep score, please let us know where you got up to (without spoilers) with a brief review of your time with the game. Also state any additional qualification rules stated above, such as playing on a certain mode with certain rules, just so we have a better feeling that you are playing fairly!

My Amigas:
A1200, ACA1233n-26.67, Gotek, IDE2SD 32GB, WB3.1.4, HID2AMI (Gaming)
A2000, Gotek, A2091 SCSI, SCSI2SD 32GB, WB3.1, HID2AMI (Apps & dev)
NinjaKat console - mini arcade cabinet powered by Amiberry/Raspberry Pi 4
A500 Mini