« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 07:57:46 pm »
Very colourful but didn't seem to run great even on my accelerated A1200. Played a bit on level 1 but couldn't work out how to jump as high as I needed to to progress!!
Best I got was 820 on my A1200.

My Amigas:
A1200, ACA1233n-26.67, Gotek, IDE2SD 32GB, WB3.1.4, HID2AMI (Gaming)
A2000, Gotek, A2091 SCSI, SCSI2SD 32GB, WB3.1, HID2AMI (Apps & dev)
NinjaKat console - mini arcade cabinet powered by Amiberry/Raspberry Pi 4
A500 Mini