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2025 Mar 06 06:15:13
March GOTHEM is finally up - a Ghosts and Goblins clone made in Australia! - Belial  ;D


2025 Feb 01 18:17:29
February already!  Another GOTHEM in action - this time, another random pick, and a PD game from 1989 - Cave Runner! Have fun!


2025 Jan 02 07:36:09
It was very 'smart' of the random picked game from AGS this month, with the Australian Open tennis event coming up.  The GOTHEM for January is 'Advantage Tennis'!  a great old tennis game! Have fun!


2024 Dec 25 14:19:41
Merry Christmas to all from the ARB Crew!


2024 Dec 01 20:55:19
Unbelievable - December already!  This month, a random game from the wonderful Amiga Game Selector - Future Tank!  Good luck!

Author Topic: April 2022 - Jetstrike  (Read 10900 times)

Offline NinjaKat

April 2022 - Jetstrike
« on: April 01, 2022, 08:14:05 am »
AGA Game of the Month for April 2022, is Jetstrike!

The last you heard from 009 was just after he had infiltrated a meeting of SPUDD (Society of Particularly Undesirable Dastardly Dudes: a secret organisation made up of arms dealers, mad dictators, psychopaths and traffic wardens). The coded message that he sent you was a long the lines of:

"SPUDD planning to rake over the entire world.
Let's do lunch.

Unfortunately, when you arrived at Chez Bond for your lunch and secret agent's meeting, you found 009 slumped over the menu with a knife in his back. To cap it all, the steak was under-cooked!

MIS, the FBI, NASA, the KGB, MOSSAD and even top secret agents from the North Beckinsdale Pigeon Fancier's Association swung into action immediately. They were swiftly halted in their tracks when they received a top level order warning of a massive campaign of bribery of government officials in all countries. It appeared that any overt attempt to destroy SPUDD would result in the downfall of most of the world's governments. SPUDD-controlled leaders would soon rise to replace them.

As the situation has worsened by the day, and SPUDD's forces have grown from strength to strength, the various agencies have now put together an underground task force which they hope will combat the growing threat. This elite task force comprises one agent (yourself - nice of you to volunteer by the way), a highly trained mechanic called Harry, and a field support officer to assign missions. The plan is that you will "borrow" aircraft from local air forces and carry out secret strike missions on SPUDD forces while they are still small enough to have to stay hidden. Hopefully, by damaging their supply lines, factories and control centres, you should be able to ruin their plans of world domination. However, if you wreck too many expensive aircraft, your sponsors will not be able to cover for you, resulting in your being sent back to the secret agent's Basic Training School.

  • Amiga Hardware: AGA
  • Release Year: 1994
  • Disks: 5
  • WHDLoad: Yes
  • Players: 1 to 8
  • Publisher: Rasputin
  • Developer: Shadow

Links to game information:

Please refer to the 'Game of the Month Rules and Participation' post for information on how to participate!  Good Luck!

* To qualify for the game of the month, play Single player in 'Combat' mode, no passwords, the AGA version on AGA hardware or with equivalent emulation.

Good luck and have fun!
My Amigas:
A1200, ACA1233n-26.67, Gotek, IDE2SD 32GB, WB3.1.4, HID2AMI (Gaming)
A2000, Gotek, A2091 SCSI, SCSI2SD 32GB, WB3.1, HID2AMI (Apps & dev)
NinjaKat console - mini arcade cabinet powered by Amiberry/Raspberry Pi 4
A500 Mini

Offline NinjaKat

Re: April 2022 - Jetstrike
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2022, 08:50:07 pm »
Hi, Loving this game, but very tricky and very fiddly.  I seem to be getting a bit better with practice though!  Its also a shame that you don't get a total score at the end, ... it just 'ends'...  Best screenshot I got was at 3990 (I did do better on my last life but forgot that it doesn't give you a final score).

Played on my A500 mini.  No save states used, combat mode, AGA version.  For info I used my C64 mini joystick and a wireless keyboard.

I hope to play a little more before the end of the month, but there is so much to try on the A500!  Loving it!  I hope you all who have had the opportunity so far are also enjoying the new toy!  I've ordered myself a second mouse which I will use with my HID2AMI adaptor for my A1200/A2000!
My Amigas:
A1200, ACA1233n-26.67, Gotek, IDE2SD 32GB, WB3.1.4, HID2AMI (Gaming)
A2000, Gotek, A2091 SCSI, SCSI2SD 32GB, WB3.1, HID2AMI (Apps & dev)
NinjaKat console - mini arcade cabinet powered by Amiberry/Raspberry Pi 4
A500 Mini

Offline NinjaKat

Re: April 2022 - Jetstrike
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2022, 03:50:40 pm »
Hope I have some more competition in May!  I'll take the win.

Ninjakat: 3990
My Amigas:
A1200, ACA1233n-26.67, Gotek, IDE2SD 32GB, WB3.1.4, HID2AMI (Gaming)
A2000, Gotek, A2091 SCSI, SCSI2SD 32GB, WB3.1, HID2AMI (Apps & dev)
NinjaKat console - mini arcade cabinet powered by Amiberry/Raspberry Pi 4
A500 Mini


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