« on: August 31, 2021, 07:59:03 pm »
OCS/ECS Game of the Month for September 2021, is Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis!1939 - The eve of World War II. Nazi agents are about to get their hands on a weapon more dangerous than the atom bomb. Only Indy can stop them before they unleash the deadly secret that sank Atlantis.
- Point'n click your way through fistfights, puzzles, balloon rides, car chases and Indy one-liners.
- Explore over 200 spectacular locations.
- Hear LucasArts' exclusive iMuse create a musical score that follows your ever move.
- Play and replay - three unique challenging paths to vanquish the Reich.
- Play bumper cars with Gestapo kidnappers.
- Repair an ancient doomsday machine...carefully.
- Soar across the vast Sahara in search of mysterious ruins.
- Capture a Nazi sub and find Atlantis' secret air lock.
- Hot foot it across a sizzling lava pit.
Information:- Amiga Hardware: OCS/ECS
- Release Year: 1993
- Disks: 11
- WHDLoad: Yes
- Players: 1
- Publisher: US Gold
- Developer: LucasArts
Links to game information:Please refer to the 'Game of the Month Rules and Participation' post for information on how to participate! Good Luck!*
To qualify: Play and give us a review. The best judged review will win!

My Amigas:
A1200, ACA1233n-26.67, Gotek, IDE2SD 32GB, WB3.1.4, HID2AMI (Gaming)
A2000, Gotek, A2091 SCSI, SCSI2SD 32GB, WB3.1, HID2AMI (Apps & dev)
NinjaKat console - mini arcade cabinet powered by Amiberry/Raspberry Pi 4
A500 Mini