While replacing the capacitors for my old flaky a3000 power supply I used a list found elsewhere, but it had an error in it.
I'm posting this here so that there's a correct list on the net to preserve!
A3000 PSU LiteON PE-5161-1
Main Board:
QTY | Part | Description | Designation |
2 | EL1R0X50V | 1uF/50V | C9, C10 |
4 | EL470X25V | 47uF/25V | C26,C27,C38,C39 |
3 | EL221X25V-NCC | 220uF/25V | C25,C31,C32 |
2 | EL332X16V | 3300uF/10V | C28,C30 (max 13x35mm) |
1 | | 3300uF/16V | C29 |
2 | ELK471X200V | 470uF/200V snap-in | C5,C6 |
Regulator Board:
QTY | Part | Description | Designation |
1 | EL1R0X50V-4x5 | 1uF/50V | C15 (4x7mm) |
1 | EL4R7X50V-NCC | 4.7uF/50V | C16 5x6mm (5x11) |
1 | EL470X25V | 47uF/16V | C34 6x5mm (5x11 tilt) |
The old fan was replaced with a Noctua NF-A8 FLX fan too. Same airflow but whisper quiet!