Now that we're on lockdown, I've stopped the retro spending

...but like all good hoarders...I mean 'collectors' I've managed to stockpile some items

So, there's lot's of recap work to do including my CD32, 1200 and the AV Module and the board itself on the 4000T. I recapped the Disk Module and the 3640 a few months ago which went well with no lifted traces, fingers crossed the rest go the same way!
I also bought a new 2000 board from Paul Rezendes (Acill) and the set of passives & logic chips from Mouser, so there's plenty of work in that...estimated 20 hours of soldering. I'll try and save as much components as possible from the old 2000, but not looking forward to removing the Zorro 2 slots!
The CD1200[nest] project is on hold/the go slow for the time being. There's considerable cash investments i'll need to make to progress to the next stage and there's still a few critical items left unsolved being the CD eject/change mechanism, the hinge which is currently pretty flimsy and the interface board with audio mixer circuitry. Injection moulding even to test is expensive.
Working from home, I'm going to take advantage and do some retro-briting Amiga and other computers and consoles! The QLD sun still shines