Lots of projects on the go, but most I'm just waiting for bits and pieces to arrive. I do finish things, eventually. i swear!

A500-8MB-FastRAM and A500-14MHz-Accelerator projects by this guy -
https://github.com/kr239/. I'm hoping they'll work in the a2000, but if not, they'll go in my a500s.
ReAmiga 1200. Have all connectors and major ICs, so just need to order passives. I'll kick that one off in around a fortnight (I have the BoM ready to order from Mouser - just need to wrap the bills up first.
A500PlusPlus board ordered. Have some old A500 boards and a few spares laying around, so will mostly just have to order passives for this one. I have a black a500 case ordered in the indigogo campaign, so think it will look spectacular with the purple board.
A2000 6.x replica board by Paul Rezendes ordered. Longer term project that I expect to do early in the new year.
And depending on whether FPGA counts as Amiga (it seems Vampire certainly does!), I've almost completed my MiSTer build. Just waiting for some resistor arrays to arrive from RS components (expected Wednesday) and I can finish the I/O board. I've built 5 of the mini SDRAM boards (all tested stable at 130MHz), an RTC board and a USB hub board. This is an exciting project. I've been testing Minimig on a TC64v2 and it's flawless.
I'll post up pics as I complete them.